Dr. Dover's research examines approaches to teaching for social justice within and despite accountability-driven K-12 and teacher preparatory contexts. In addition to her published work, Dr. Dover works closely with local parents, schools, and communities to address pressing issues of social justice within and beyond the classroom. Currently, she serves as section co-chair for Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and is a former board member of AERA's Critical Educators for Social Justice Special Interest Group. She is on the steering committee for the California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education (CARE-Ed), and is active within the National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME), and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Dr. Dover is also a current or former leader of multiple equity-oriented parent and community collectives (including the Orange County Equality Coalition, the Ladera Ranch Social Justice Committee, and the FSD Collective), and has served as an elected School Site Council member in multiple Southern California school districts.
Selected recent publications:
Ott, C. D., Dover, A.G., Peters, J. & Rodríguez-Valls, F. (2023). Amplifying newcomer and emergent plurilingual students' voice, agency and authority through enactments of authentic cariño. Multicultural Perspectives, 25(4), 185-195.
Dover, A.G. & Rodríguez-Valls, F. (2022). Radically inclusive teaching with newcomer and emergent plurilingual students: Braving up. Teachers College Press.
Kohli, R., Dover, A.G., Jayakumar, U., Lee, D., Henning, N., Comeaux, E., Nevárez, A.; Hipolito, E., Carreno Cortez, A., Vizcarra, M. (2021). Toward a healthy racial climate in teacher education: Systematically centering the well-being of teacher candidates of color. Journal of Teacher Education, 73(1): 52-65.
Navarro, O., Shah, J., Valdez, C., Dover, A.G. & Henning, N. (2020). Fighting on all fronts: The push, pull and resistance of social justice educators and the move to reimagine teacher preparation. Teacher Education Quarterly, 47(3), 9-31.
Dover, A. G., Kressler, B., & Lozano, M. (2019). Learning our way through: Critical professional development for social justice in teacher education. The New Educator.
Dover, A. G., Henning, N., Agarwal-Rangnath, R. & Dotson, E. K. (2018). It’s heart work: Critical case studies, critical professional development, and fostering hope among justice-oriented teacher educators. Multicultural Perspectives, 20(4), 229-239.
Dover, A. G. & Rodriguez-Valls, F. (2018). Learning to "brave up": Collaboration, agency, and authority in multicultural, multilingual, and radically inclusive classrooms. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 20(3).
Dover, A. G. (2018). Your compliance will not protect you: Agency and accountability in urban teacher preparation. Urban Education.
Dover, A. G. (2018). So you think you have this down? Queering the conversation in teacher education. In S. Chappell, K. Ketchum, & L. Richardson (Eds.), Gender Diversity and LGBTQ Inclusion and Advocacy in K-12 Schools. Routledge.
Henning, N., Dover, A. G., Dotson, E. K., & Agarwal-Rangnath, R. (2018). Storying teacher education policy: Critical counternarratives of curricular, pedagogical, and activist responses to state-mandated teacher performance assessments. Education Policy & Analysis Archives, 26(26).
Henning, N., Dover, A., Dotson, E. K., Agarwal-Rangnath, R., Clayton, C. D., Donovan, M. K., … Dunn, A. (2018). Navigating the contested terrain of teacher education policy and practice:Authors respond to SCALE. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(31).
Dover, A. G. & Schultz, B. (2018). Turning towards students: Adopting a student-centered stance in mandate-centered times. In G. Holl, D. Gollnick & L. Quinn (Eds.), The handbook of teaching and learning (pp. 199-223). Wiley.
Dotson, E., Dover, A. G., Henning, N & Agarwal-Rangnath, R. (2018). They should see themselves as powerful: Teacher educators, agency, and resisting TPAs. In R. Ahlquist, T. Montaño & P. Gorski (Eds.), Assault on kids and teachers: Countering privatization, deficit ideologies, and standardization in U.S. schools (pp. 219-236). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Dover, A. G. (2017). Approaches to teaching for social justice: Examining secondary English teachers’curricular intentions. SAGE research methods cases. DOI 10.4135/9781473996731.
Schultz, B. D. & Dover, A. G. (2017). “We do everything with edTPA and what students want” Interrupting and Disrupting Teacher Education in Troubling Times. In J. Carter & H. Lochte (Eds.), Teacher performance assessment and accountability reforms: The impacts of edTPA on teaching and schools (pp. 107-117). Palgrave McMillan.
Dover, A. G., Henning, N. & Agarwal-Rangnath, R. (2016). Reclaiming agency: Justice oriented social studies teachers respond to changing curricular standards. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 457-467.
Dover, A. G. & Pozdol, T. (2016). Teaching good kids in a m.A.A.d world: Using hip-hop to reflect, reframe, and respond to complex realities. English Journal, 105(4), 43-48.
Dover, A. G. & Schultz, B. D. (2016). Troubling the edTPA: Illusions of Objectivity & Rigor. The Educational Forum, 80(1), 95-106.
Dover, A. G. (2016). Teaching for social justice and the Common Core: Justice-oriented curriculum for language arts and literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 59(6), 517-527.
Dover, A. G. (2016). Teaching for social justice AND standards: Lessons in secondary English Language Arts. Richards, J. & Zenkov, K. (Eds.) Social justice, the Common Core, and closing the instructional gap. Information Age Publishing.
Dover, A. G., Schultz, B. D., Smith, K & Duggan, T. J. (2015, September 14.) Embracing the controversy: edTPA, corporate influence, and the cooptation of teacher education. Teachers College Record.
Dover, A. G. (2015). “Promoting acceptance” or “preparing warrior scholars”: Variance in teaching for social justice vision and praxis. Equity & Excellence in Education, 48 (3), 361-372.
Dover, A. G., Schultz, B. D., Smith, K., & Duggan, T. J. (2015, March 30). Who’s preparing our candidates? edTPA, localized knowledge, and the outsourcing of teacher evaluation. Teachers College Record.
Dover, A. G. (2014). Grassroots methods: Designing justice centered curriculum in a standards based world. In Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce, Grassroots curriculum toolkit 4.0: A critical urban praxis collection (pp. 128-131). Chicago, IL: Author.
Dover, A. G. (2013). Getting ‘up to code’: Preparing for and confronting challenges when teaching for social justice in standards-based classrooms. Action in Teacher Education, 35(2), 89-102.
Dover, A. G. (2013). Teaching for social justice: From conceptual frameworks to classroom practices. Multicultural Perspectives, 15(1), 3-11.
Dover, A. G. (2009). Teaching for Social Justice and K-12 Student Outcomes: A Conceptual Framework and Research Review. Equity & Excellence in Education. 42(4), 506-524.
George, A. (2008). Great Expectations for the Future: Bridging Dickens to Dreams. In A. Shostak, Anticipate the School You Want: Futurizing K-12 Education (pp. xxxv-xxxix). Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Reilly Carlisle, L., B. Jackson, and A. George. (2006). Principles of Social Justice Education: The Social Justice Education in Schools Project. Equity & Excellence in Education. 39 (1), 55-64.