
Dr. Dover's research examines approaches to teaching for social justice within and despite accountability-driven K-12 and teacher preparatory contexts. In addition to her published work, Dr. Dover works closely with local parents, schools, and communities to address pressing issues of social justice within and beyond the classroom. Currently, she serves as section co-chair for Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and is a former board member of AERA's Critical Educators for Social Justice Special Interest Group. She is on the steering committee for the California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education (CARE-Ed), and is active within the National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME), and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Dr. Dover is also a current or former leader of multiple equity-oriented parent and community collectives (including the Orange County Equality Coalition, the Ladera Ranch Social Justice Committee, and the FSD Collective), and has served as an elected School Site Council member in multiple Southern California school districts.

Selected recent publications: