Project LEARN
Project LEARN (Language, Equity, and Action Research with Newcomer Students) is a dynamic collaboration among teacher educators, district administrators, pre- and in-service teachers, and newcomer and emergent plurilingual students from Anaheim Union High School District and California State University, Fullerton’s Department of Secondary Education. Our work is supported, in part, by the Spencer Foundation, through their Research-Practice Partnership grant program.
In Project LEARN, teachers and students work collaboratively to stretch their linguistic repertoires, grow academically, explore and document the experiences of their communities, and use their voices to transform their worlds. In addition to focusing on ways to build community/comunidad, confidence/confianza, and complexity/complejidad in the classroom, Project LEARN engages teachers and students in action research (including Youth Participatory Action Research, or YPAR) as they collaboratively tell the stories of newcomer and emergent plurilingual students within and beyond the classroom.