This page contains readings and resources to accompany Radically Inclusive Teaching with Newcomer and Emergent Plurilingual Students: Braving Up . Additional professional learning resources are included at the end of each chapter.
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Meet the Language Explorers
Meet the Language Explorers
Part 1: Foundations
Recommended Readings and Resources
In Chapter 2, we examine acclaimed poet Martín Espada’s poem The New Bathroom Policy at English High School/Nueva Norma Para el Baño en la English High School, in which he critiques Massachusetts’ English-Only policy. Click here to hear Espada introduce and read his poem in both English and Spanish.
Readings and resources related to linguistic dominance
Baker-Bell, A., Williams-Farrier, B.J., Jackson, D., Johnson, L., Kynard, C., McMurty, T. (2020). This ain’t another statement! This is a demand for Black linguistic justice! National Council of Teachers of English, Conference on College COmposition and Communication.
MacSwan, J. (2018). Academic English as standard language ideology: A renewed research agenda for asset-based language education. Language Teaching Research, 24(1), 28-36.
Morrison, T. (n.d.) Toni Morrison on writing without the ‘white gaze.’ [Video]. PBS.
Morrison, T. (2001, May 4). A conversation between Toni Morrison and Frank McCourt. [Video]. Youtube.
Part 2: Radically Inclusive Pedagogies
Chapter 4: Who are you? Exploring Identity and Community in the Classroom
Recommended Readings and Resources
Professional Development Resources Related to Learning Students’ Names
Cornwall, G. (2018, September 20). Teachers’ strategies for pronouncing and remembering students’ names correctly. KQED.
Kohli, R. & Solórzano, D. (2012). Teachers, please learn our names!: Racial microaggressions and the K-12 classroom. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 15(4), 441-462.
Resources for Community Forests
Hammond, Z. (2014). Chapter 2: What’s culture got to do with it? Understanding the deep roots of culture. In Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin Press.
See also Aliza Maynard’s Culture Tree illustration on p. 24.
Chapter 5: Who are we? Crossing Borders with Arts-Based and Plurilingual Pedagogies
Recommended Readings and Resources
Personal and Social Identity
“Because I’m Latino, I can’t have money?”: Kids on Race. 4 minute video in which 12 year olds describe their identities, identity tensions, and how their identities are read by others.
Understanding intersectionality (lesson plan with video resources)
Creating social identity timelines (lesson plan created for use at the University of Michigan) | Personal identity wheel and social identity wheel
Reading and analyzing children’s literature in secondary classrooms
Creative Writing Through Wordless Picture Books (ReadWriteThink).
Teaching Tolerance’s Reading Diversity: A Tool for Selecting Diverse Texts
No Longer Invisible: How Diverse Literature Helps Children Find Themselves in Books and Why it Matters (National Council of Teachers of English).
Critical caminatas
Critical Literacy Across the K-6 Curriculum by Vivian Vasquez
Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Activities for Students and Teachers by Janks, et. al.
Jessica Sidler Folsom (2017): Dialogic reading: Having a conversation about books
Chapter 6: Can you hear me? Amplifying student voice within and beyond the classroom:
Professional Learning Resource: Teaching with Sound
Click here to view the presentation and here to make a copy for your own use
Recommended Readings and Resources
Picturing a Writing Process: Photovoice and Teaching Writing to Urban Youth (Kristien Zenkov & James Harmon)
Photovoice as micro-invitation: A case study of high-school immigrant youth disrupting everyday forms of racism (Kevin Roxas and Véronica Vélez)
Blogging with Photovoice: Sharing Pictures in an Integrated Classroom (5 lesson series, sponsored by ReadWriteThink)
YPAR Hub: Using Photovoice to Investigate a Problem (Introduction & Lesson Plans)
Chapter 7: And Then We Had to Pivot
Professional Learning Resources: Modeling Inclusive, Affirming and Academically Rigorous Pedagogies
Virtual Lockers: Click here to view the presentation and here to make a copy for your own use
Recommended Readings and Resources
Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Teaching during COVID-19
Resources for Learning in the Times of COVID-19, Learning Policy Institute
Teaching through Coronavirus: What educators need right now, Learning for Justice
Icebreakers and Community Building
Virtual mapping - National Geographic Map Tools: Includes resources for interactive, digital mapping; printable one-page maps of countries and the world, and free large-scale (wall size) maps to print and assemble
Plurilingual, Interactive Spoken Word Libraries
Part 3: Stretching Beyond the Classroom
Chapter 8: Redefining Success: Complexity, Proficiency and Agency
Professional Learning Resources for Redefining Success
Recommended Readings and Resources
Tuning Protocol, developed by Joseph McDonald, Coalition of Essential Schools; Revised by David Allen.
Chapter 9: Blossoming: From Roots to Trees: Supporting, Sustaining and Advocating for Radically Inclusive Teaching
Professional Learning Resources and Interviews
Recommended Readings and Resources
Multilingual Learner/English Language Learner Shadowing Protocol, developed by the New York State Education Department
Learning Walk Protocol and Learning Walk Form, developed by the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement